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Welcome to Abracadabra with amazingly appreciative HELLO!

Whether you decide to visit the library and sample some sound delights, check up on our latest news, or settle down in a cozy chair and Read-along with your radio, we hope you enjoy your stay on this little, friendly website!

Ah! Yes.  And for those of you who simply wish to know which gadgets to get, buttons to press and links to click to hear us, well, there could be few better places than where you are right now!

Q. So How do I listen?

As we are an internet only station, you will not be able to tune-in on a normal AM/FM or DAB Radio but don’t fret, don’t groan, don’t scowl and stomp off in a huff for if you are reading these words then you are very likely to be using a computer and have happily hopped across the net to this website therefore, listening should be just as easy.

PC Users.

Microsoft.  Internet Explorer.  Windows Media Player.  Sound familiar?  Yes?  Our guess is that you have a PC running Windows.  If this is true, try clicking once on the “listen” logo, up a bit and over there on the right, to activate our pop-up player, which should look like rather like this:

If nothing happens, you may have a program installed on your computer that is blocking “pop-ups”, this may need to be disabled in order for our player to work properly.  We have ensured as much as possible that the player is stable and safe to run but please make sure you have permission from whomever owns the computer you are using before changing anything.

Q. The box has come up but I hear nothing

First off, check the time.  Remember we only broadcast between 3am and 10pm!

If you are listening to us for the first time, then the box might contain a message similar to the one below.

If this happens, just click once on “install plug-in” and then again on install (as below) and continue to follow the instructions.

Once the plug-in has been installed, close whichever browser you are using – this could be Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer – then reopen it, come to our site again and click once more on the “listen” logo.  This time the box might contain a new message as is shown below.

If so, just click once on either of the two options to enable the player, if you select “always run”, then the next time you visit us, you should be able to listen in a single click!


Apple Users

iTunes.  Safari.  App Store.  Quicktime.  Any of these sound familiar?  Yes?  Then we think you’re probably using an Apple computer running OS or iOS, and this includes any of you curiously tapping the screen of an iPhone or iPad.

First, try clicking or tapping once on the “Let’s Play Radio” logo over on the right, it’s just beneath the “Listen” logo right under where it says “Apple users, please click below to listen!”

If you are using an iPhone or iPad and are viewing the site in the Safari app, this should be all you need to do tune in.

If you are using a Mac computer such as a MacBook or Mac Pro along with the Safari browser and the link isn’t working, then you can try tuning in manually with iTunes.

Just open up iTunes, click on “advanced” (from the menu bar at the top) and click “open stream”.  Then copy the following link – –  into the box as shown

Then click ok and you should hear us.  The next time you open iTunes, just click on “internet songs” which should be listed in your playlists on the left, then double click “Abracadabra”.


Question.  If I am an iPhone or iPad user and want to listen and Read-along at the same time, is this possible?

We are looking into creating an app for this, but it is possible right now!  You will need to use the free Shoutcast app, to listen.  Run a quick search for “shoutcast” in the app store, download and install, then, using the app, search for “Abracadabra” as shown below.

There are a few other stations with Abracadabra in their name but we are simply “Abracadabra”, neither more nor less!  Just tap once to listen.

As the iPhone and iPad can multitask, you should then be able to use the “home button” to exit shoutcast but still be able to hear our station.  Finally, use the Safari app, which should already be installed, to access our Read-along page and tap once on any of the links to read the stories while you listen!


Question.  I have a mobile phone and/or a tablet device with the Android interface, how can I listen?

Any app that can receive radio stations available via  Shoutcast should do the job.  Though we have not tested any yet, we’d recommend that you give Retro Radio Streamer “lite” or Pure Connect a go.

We also suggest you try these Android browser apps to access the website.

Dolphin Browser



Question.  Oh I’ve had it with these computers, what happened to the good old traditional radio, no apps, no browsers, no fiddly software, just switch it on off you go.

You too have a perfect solution!  There are several stand alone radios that are able to receive a magnificent variety of internet only stations, including Abracadabra.  A superb example, in our opinion, is the Evoke Flow made by Pure, one of the world’s most successful manufacturers of digital and internet radio hardware.


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