Fabulous Paper Flowers

April 23rd, 2021 - 10:08 am

An Hour to Flower? As a squillion Spring buds burst to bloom beneath the radiant Sun and lush forests rustle their peaceful odes in whispering harmony with a velvet breeze, Abracadabra invites you to complement Mother’s Nature’s spectacular showcase with some colourful creativity!

Author: admin No Responses

Shape Your Happiness.

February 11th, 2021 - 1:35 am

Shapes & Butterflies Has life gifted you a little free time?  Then why not afford your restless creativity some symbolic form in fun, fast and “facile” fashion.  Just follow the simple guide below with the aid of a responsible family member and some oddly familiar items!

Author: admin No Responses

Festive Incentive!

December 23rd, 2020 - 1:41 pm

Stars Bells, Baubles, Snowmen and Santa can all transform a lowly bare branch into a sumptuous spectacle of seasonal splendour, but no Christmas Tree would be complete without its crowning Sparkle.  Know how to cut out a star? It’s easy. You can use any shaped piece of paper – but I used a square because it was easier to show with.

Author: admin No Responses

Children’s Book Week 2017

December 2nd, 2017 - 9:42 am

Heads up all you ravenous bookworms!  We warmly invite you, once again, to nibble through narratives, devour descriptions, pick apart plots and feast upon literary banquet of facts, fantasies, tales and truths. Sample a succulent new story or burrow down into your favourite work of fiction.  Whatever your fancy, Children’s Book Week is certain to satisfy every one your wordiest […]

Author: admin No Responses

National Children’s Day 2016

May 15th, 2016 - 6:58 am

For a fantastic fourth year.  Abracadabra takes bags of pleasure and bundles of excitement in offering it’s faithful and proud  support National Children’s Day UK.  This year’s central message aims to highlight the importance of a grown-ups health and happiness and the fundamental influence it has on the physical and psychological well being of the children they look after. Parents and teachers are two primary examples […]

Author: admin No Responses

Settle Down for a Story!

February 5th, 2016 - 5:52 pm

If there’s one thing Abracadabra cannot resist, it’s an excuse to savour some fabulous fiction, especially when you have the luxury of a master Story Teller. Do you love a good read? Yes? How about being read to? Do your parents, teachers or friends ever read out loud?  You must surely have heard some of our exciting tales, […]

Author: admin No Responses